The Internet Of Things is a system of interrelated computing devices, machines (mechanical and digital), objects, animals or people that are assigned unique identifiers (UIDs) and the option of transferring data over a network without the aid of human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. Smart homes are a by-product of this initiative.
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Changing things around your house to make it a smart home is something that eats up a lot of resources and time but if you wish to sit back and relax at your home and let the machine do all the work when you are at home, the end result is definitely worth the effect. There are a lot of routines that you can set up to make your life easier. A few of the interesting ones have been listed below:
Sync your light to your movies
Philip Hue lights have the ability to change shade and brightness in time with movies and TV shows. Unfortunately, you will need to use your computer or one that is hooked up to your TV, this is so that the program can detect what's on screen and adjust lights accordingly.
You will also have to sync your Philips Hue lights app with your Entertainment area and customize it to suit your needs to get the best experience.
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Turn everything off when you leave the house
Making use of the free web service IFTTT (If This Then That) is the best way to ensure that you will never again have to go through the situation where you if you left the light on when you are about halfway there to wherever you're going to. There are plenty of smart home services that have this type of geofencing built into it, but IFTTT is a little more efficient as it works with a lot of devices and services. All you need to do is have the app installed on your phone and then assign a location for your home and the trigger that will switch everything off.
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Make calls using voice commands
Google Home, Amazon Echo, and the Apple Homepod have propelled users into the future by making it possible for users to make calls by using just their voice.
Set up Google Home, link it to your Google account, and install the Google Home app on your phone. After doing the above, all you need to do is say ‘call' followed by the name of your contact in order to make a call.
For Amazon Echo, you will need to click on the Conversations button that is available in the mobile app, enter your mobile number and follow the instructions to set up the system.
Apple Homepod does not allow you to make calls but you can transfer your calls from your phone to your Homepod speaker.
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Find out when the kids get home
There are plenty of options available that will let you know when your kids arrive at home. The options available to you include the motion-sensing camera Canary, the August Smart Lock or an app like Life360, though you might have to persuade your kid to install it on his phone in the first place.
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Put your Nest camera up on the big screen
Instead of viewing the feed from your security apps on your phone, you have the option of seeing everything that you need by using the Nest camera app that is available on both Android and iOS devices.