Five apps that will help kids use their screen time sensibly

From learning to save money to solving math and science problems, some apps are helping children be productive while browsing the net

The internet can be a boon for kids if they use it wisely. From learning languages to sharpening English and honing mathematical skills, kids nowadays can use their screen time sensibly if they make use of certain apps and parents no longer need to worry that the internet is corrupting their kids.
Most kids are not motivated to practise math and science problems since they are usually abstract and do not always have an immediate application. But apps like Avocado create fun projects with real-world application to instill interest in kids for the subjects.
Here, we list a few of these apps…
For parents who are trying to teach their kids the art of managing money from an early age, Slonkit is the perfect app. It allows kids to be in charge of their pocket money. Parents can add their kids’ monthly allowance to the Slonkit card, set their budgets, monitor expenses, set alerts, etc.

The app hosts math and science practice questions. It guides kids towards exploratory learning instead of rote. Students can practise customised tests, gain access to thorough answer rationales and review results. They can also access analytics to help themselves create a winning strategy.

This app is ideal for kids who want to learn a foreign language. It has multiple languages like German, French, Hungarian and even Hindi and English. It is free and you just have to download it to use it. The fun quizzes and tests make it easy for kids to learn their target language. Interestingly, Duolingo also has a course on High Valyrian. So if your child is into Game of Thrones, there is all the more reason for you to download this app. You can also learn your kid’s target language on the app and practise it with them. Duolingo is popular with all age groups.

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