Transformation of Computers over generation

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Computers can today do anything, they can calculate large amount of data at blink of an eye, they can store data and provide them at any given time, they can work as commanded without complaining and now they have their on intelligence. But that was not same back 60-70 years ago. Computers in those days used were completely different from those used now.
So, today you will get to know how computer changed through times. And also Computers have been defined through the "Generation" i.e. which period they were used.

1.First generation: Vacuum Tubes (1940-56)

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The computers in this generation where "huge" and a single computer used to cover large rooms. They used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory storage. The UNIVAC and ENIAC are some of the first generation of computers. They were used to solve problems for which punch card and paper tapes were provided as input. The output then used to come as printout. A large amount of electricity was consumed by them resulting in breakdown of computer while being used. The programming language used back then was "Machine Language" where the instructions were given using panel of switches in terms of 1s and 0s which means ON and OFF and not like today where we can command computers through giving directions in simple speaking languages.

2.Second Generation : Transistors(1965-63)

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It was the first time when computers started to use "Transistors" instead of large vacuum tubes making the computers smaller, faster, more energy efficient and more reliable that they will not blast while being used. Still the transistor used computers generated heat but, less in comparison of the earlier one. IBM 1401 and Honeywell 400 were some of the second generation computers.s. Punch cards and paper tapes were still used. High-level programming languages were used for the first time ie. languages that could be understandable by humans also.

3. Third Generation: Integrated Circuits(1964-71)

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Integrated Circuits where developed earlier even before they were used in computers. The transistors which were used back earlier were now miniaturized on smaller scale (Integrated Circuits) and placed on silicon chips, called as semiconductors. IBM 360 and IBM 370 were some of the third generation computers. This also marked the starting of keyboards and mouse being used instead of punch cards and paper tapes as an input device and monitors for the output. Now computers started to use "Operating System". When computers became smaller, lighter they became ready to be manufactured for people to buy them.

4. Fourth Generation: Microprocessor(1971-present)

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The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. The computers that used entire room to fit were built now on a single silicon chip. Some of the example of fourth generation computers are the Macintosh Microprocessor which was also know as APPLE II, IBM4341. When the computers became powerful they were then used to form networks which later led to the formation of the Internet.

5. Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence(present)

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With the increasing use of computers and other similar devices the development and use of Artificial Intelligence(AI) on large scale also started. The Artificial Intelligence has been able to provide large firms assistance in making there work easier and faster. Though its not fully developed but, still one can perform task that require intelligence such as voice recognition, recognizing simple languages, providing situation related results etc., learning about things and improvising on there own. Some of the well known AIs are the Apple company's "Siri", Microsoft's Cortana etc.

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