As Google Tez has made a lot of new partners for promoting their business and in return giving the users exceptional offers like for every new Biller user will get a scratch card worth 1000 Rs. It’s main motive is to have huge customer base in this segment and well it has garnered millions of users. Google Tez is very much serious about getting more no of partners as very soon there will be a new player in the market “Whatsapp” which has already launched it’s Beta version.
It has started earning through partners but not much as It’s the companies other businesses through which the Google is earning and using that money to foray into UPI Business and make a good ground for itself.
There are several ways by which Google is earning:
1. Making new partners for Tez
You already know that google pay tez is already a payment gateway in lot of website like shoping sites payment sites etc. As they make more partners they will earn lot of money by commission.
2. Obviously It’s having the #1 Search engine in the world
A large amount of money which the google earns comes from the advertising business i.e Google Ads. Large no of companies depend on the advertising through google.
3. Buy selling data
You know that google is always using our data to earn money. I mean users saaraa. Buy using tez they can know about your payment profile and other series of data like how you used to spend your money, what type of shopper you are etc. Buy giving this type of data to advertises through Google AdWords they will make bigger amount of profit
And there are several other ways.
As It’s new app Tez is new in UPI business. Therefore to increase the no of users and transactions, it’s offering the customers huge cashback upto 1000 Rs.