Download your Google Plus data before it shuts down

Google recently announced that they will shut down its service of Google plus on 2 April. After this announced date google automatically delete the data of Google Plus users. Google also informed personally to its Google Plus users to save their data before 31 March otherwise they lost all their precious data. On 2nd April all Google Plus account and pages will be shut down and all the data will be deleted permanently.

If you want to download your Google Plus data you have to log in to your account. After this, you have to go to download your data page and then click on the next button. Now you have to select data delivered option and click on create the archive.

Steps to download your specific data:-

  1. Log in to your account and go to the download data page. 
  2. Click on down arrow button to select the specific data you want to download.
  3. Click Ok and next button.
  4. Chose file type and choose delivered option.
  5. Click create the archive.

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